Will Someone Call the Obama Campaign Out on the Utter Lies in Its Ads on the Republican Economic Plan?

Is anyone else tired of seeing those ads where the Democrats say that the Republicans want to go back to the economic policies that “caused” the 2008 crisis and recession in the first place?  Those ads where Obama gets on TV and says “we’ve tried the Republicans’ policies, and they got us in the mess in the first place.”  It’s unbelievable to me that such a bald-faced lie — at this point, Democratic mythology — is able to escape the scrutiny of any serious-minded journalist.

It’s simply flat-out false that the Republicans’ policies of tax cuts “caused” the 2008 crisis and recession.  You know what did?  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac encouraging banks to write mortgages to people who could not afford them.  Liberal activist pressure groups pressuring banks to make loans to people that could not pay them back, relying on the Community Reinvestment Act.  And you know who was responsible for all that?  Here’s a hint: it wasn’t Republicans.  It was Democrats, led by Barney Frank, Chris “Irish Cottage” Dodd, and Barack “ACORN” Obama, the enablers of Fannie and Freddie, the spiders at the center of the web.  At one point Frank said he wanted to “roll the dice a little more towards subsidized housing.”  Nice roll, Barney.  Must be fun gambling with other peoples’ money.

And what about the liberal talking point that we failed to pay for two wars and a tax cut?  It’s just that — a talking point with no real truth.  The federal deficit before the recession hit was less than $200 million.  It has been over $1 trillion every year of Obama’s presidency.  We have accumulated over $4 trillion in new debt since Obama took office.  That’s more than every prior presidential administration combined.  And Obama wasn’t paying for wars; he was paying for shovel-ready jobs and clean energy boondoggles, dont’cha know.

When it comes to dealing with the poor economic situation, Democrats are just clever lawyers just looking for a clever argument to get them to the next commercial break, while Republicans are serious about looking for solutions to America’s crushing debt and looming fiscal crisis.  They come up with nice-sounding talking points — “Republican economics got us into this mess,” “wars and tax cuts we didn’t pay for” — that sound great.  Problem is, they are just not true, as I’ve noted above.  Republicans, on the other hand, are making points that are true — whether on the Ryan budget, on health care, you name the issue.

The Dems get away with it because no one calls them on it, certainly not the media.  Paul Ryan is their worst nightmare — he WILL call them on it, and has on numerous occasions.  He’s better capable of piercing lies than almost anyone, because he can explain in clear, precise, fact-laden-but-understandable language why what the Dems say is untrue.  I can’t wait for Ryan to debate Biden.  They may need to stop the match.

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